I have to play

By Steven Brier
In the mid ‘70s I was a more-or-less successful freelance photographer.  One of my gigs was taking photos of ABC/Dunhill artists performing in central Florida.
One night I was waiting backstage at the Jai alai fronton in Tampa for the opening act – The Amazing Rhythm Aces – to finish so I could photograph the headliner, Jimmy Buffett.
The road manager for the Aces saw me and wandered over. I’d shot them the week before in Lakeland and was a friendly face and unlikely to have any demands.
After chatting for a bit, he offered me a drink and sent a roadie off to grab a bottle of whiskey.
We each had a couple (OK, more than a couple) shots when Jason Kossert, a neighbor from college, walked past. He stopped to say hello and also imbibe a little.
Jason and Jimmy were sailing buddies and Jimmy was staying at his place on the beach in St. Pete, hence Jason’s presence. Jimmy wandered in a few minutes later and joined us. 
He sent one of his roadies off for a case or two of St. Pauli Girl and we sat down for some serious imbibing, St. Pauli Girl and whiskey chasers.
Eventually the Rhythm Aces finished and came roaring backstage. They exuberantly joined us at the whiskey and beer while Jimmy’s road crew got the stage set up. 
Then Jimmy’s road manager came back and said he was on in a couple minutes. That meant I had to go to work too.
I grabbed all my cameras and equipment and stood up. Or tried to.
The Jai alai fronton was doing a good imitation of a sailboat in a storm and I didn’t have my sea legs.
“Crap!” I exclaimed as I wobbled about.  “I have to go take pictures!”
Jimmy, in similar condition, looked over at me.
“Yeah,” he said. “Well I have to play.”
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