Gone Green

We've gone green and you can, too.

Our primary vehicles are electric Chevrolets, a Bolt (all electric BEV), a Volt (plug-in hybrid PHEV), and a Tesla Model 3 (BEV).

The Bolt can travel more than 250 miles on a charge (EPA rating of 238), uses clean electricity and can recharge overnight.

The Volt can travel about 60 miles on a charge (EPA rating of 53) and has a backup range extender gasoline engine. With most of our clients in a 25 mile radius, the Volt rarely uses gasoline. (We used 46 gal. in 6,974 miles, most of that in a 1,400 mile road trip). Average MPG is 151.

The Model 3 can go more than 300 miles on a full charge. It, too, can be refilled overnight.

We have turned off our servers, moving everything to cloud-based services that use energy far more efficiently than our equipment. Data is protected by encryption and two-factor verification.

As our computers reach the end of their lifespan, they are replaced by tablets, smartphones or computers that use low-energy chips and Energy Star certified monitors. Ditto for the new network equipment.

We can help you start down this path. Your old laser printers probably are energy pigs. If it's more than three years old, it should be depreciated by now for tax purposes and can be recycled and replaced with a more energy efficient unit. Servers can run at warmer temperatures than you were originally told, reducing air conditioning costs. Monitors don't need screensavers to prevent burn in. Let them go to sleep mode and reduce your power requirements.

And let us know if you want to know more about the benefits of driving electric.

In New Jersey the cost to drive 10 miles on gasoline will get you 30 on electricity, and there are no oil changes, tuneups, or any of the hundreds of engine and transmission parts to fail. New Jersey does not charge sales tax on all-electric vehicles. There is a $7,500 federal tax credit on many electric vehicles.

PSE&G is one of the country's largest solar developers, and is drastically reducing its dependence on coal.

Numerous studies have shown that electric cars across the country cause fewer emissions that gas vehicles. Need some bedtime reading? Check out these articles from Green Car Reports and the Sierra Club discussing the benefits of driving electric and the myths spouted by naysayers.
